Creating a Logo

As I was editing the header of my website, I realised it would be nice to have a logo that makes my webpage more characteristic and original.

At the beginning I experimented with the initial of my name, S and N. I tried to tie them together in a uniform shape, and also to frame them in a sort of doodle.

The result was a bit stiff or not very personal. After I have received some feedback, I decided to create my logo out of something that is dear to me. The protagonist of my still incompleted graduation film, Eo, has particular facial features that are simple and soft, so I tried to transform them into a 2D figure.

I made a new head of my puppet (the actual puppet’s head was a bit worn out) and photographed it, so that I could work on it digitally.

At first I experimented with some effects on the picture itself in Photoshop, but it didn’t look right. I simply traced few main lines of the face and it worked out. I added my name to complete the picture, even if I am not sure I would keep it. I feel quite confident about it, but I am open to feedback, so I will wait on my tutors to review the whole website. I am planning to make a little animation out of it.

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